Remedy Clear-Aid Skin Protectant, 2.5oz (case of 12)
Remedy Clear-Aid Skin Protectant: Clear protective moisture barrier that also adheres to wet, macerated skin and allows for easy monitoring. Recommended for use in perineal area and lower extremities to protect against minor skin irritation and dryness. Clear-Aid Skin Protectant acts as a protective moisture barrier, while some of its ingredients help absorb excessive moisture away from the skin. Although its primary ingredient is white petrolatum, this ointment also delivers natural oils necessary for skin health, helping re-establish the stratum corneum. With Clear-Aid, you may not need additional skin protectants to address dry and wet skin. This product can be used on any type of skin, from reddened to denuded or macerated skin. Clear-Aid contains safflower seed oil, which helps ease spreading and removal. Skin dragging is minimized. It is ideal for daily use. Active Ingredient: White Petrolatum (50%)Other recommended products: Use a Remedy Cleanser, such as the foaming cleanser or cleansing lotion, then apply Remedy Clear-Aid Skin Protectant. Clear-Aid Skin Protectant, 2.5 oz..